Trump pick Tillerson: 'Fair assumption' Putin behind hacks

It is a "fair assumption" that Russian President Vladimir Putin was behind US election hacks, secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson has said. The former CEO of Exxon Mobil told his Senate confirmation hearing the intelligence report on Russian tampering "clearly is troubling". His comments came after Senator Marco Rubio pressed Mr Tillerson to admit Mr Putin's role in the cyber-breach. Mr Tillerson's reported good ties with Mr Putin have alarmed some in the US. The 64-year-old former corporate titan, who has never worked in government, faced tough questions from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday. In a heated exchange, Mr Rubio grilled him on whether intelligence reports about Russia's involvement in  hacks of the US Democratic party  were accurate and if Mr Putin had directed the attacks. Mr Tillerson said he had no inside information on the detailed intelligence about Russia's hacking, but he had read the declassi

Jerusalem attack: Four dead after lorry driver rams soldiers

Four people have been killed in Jerusalem by a driver who rammed a lorry into a group of soldiers, in what police say was a terrorist attack.
Three women and one man, all in their twenties, were killed and at least 13 more were wounded, medics say.
Police said the driver had been shot dead by soldiers from the group.
Over the past 15 months there have been many attacks on Israelis by Palestinians - using knives, guns and sometimes vehicles.
A bus driver who witnessed the attack on Sunday told Israeli radio that the driver ploughed into the group before reversing over victims.
Israel's police chief Roni Alsheich told reporters the attacker was from an Arab neighbourhood in east Jerusalem.
The attack took place on the popular Armon Hanatziv promenade overlooking the walled Old City of Jerusalem.
Images from the scene showed a lorry with bullet holes riddled across the windscreen.
The Palestinian militant group Hamas praised the attacker. Spokesman Abdul-Latif Qanou called it a "heroic" act and encouraged other Palestinians to "escalate the resistance".
Before this latest incident, 35 Israelis had been killed in a wave of knife, gun and car-ramming attacks by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs since October 2015.
More than 200 Palestinians - mostly attackers, Israel says - have also been killed in that period.
Israel says Palestinian incitement has fuelled the attacks. The Palestinian leadership has blamed frustration rooted in decades of Israeli occupation.
The BBC's Yolande Knell in Jerusalem says the number of attacks had begun to subside in recent months, but Sunday's incident is one of the most serious there has been.

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